Saturday, November 18, 2017

CIP Presentation

Hello guys.. So, as what i had mentioned, 15 november 2017 was the day for our CIP presentation. all teams had did an excellent job and the company's representative were satisfy with us. I am so glad that my company, chop n steak was satisfied with the website. this gonna be a valuable memory for me since i did not have any experience in doing website to the company. so, as for me, this is a good step to involve in website world.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Real Money or Digitalized Money??

the class was started with 'Blockchain'. Blockchain is a disitized, decentralized and public ledger of all transaction (e-commerce). It does not involve any money, only digital money, which is known as bitcoin. Blockchain is kind of a stack of block that that record all of the transaction. once completed, the block will goes into the blockchain as a permanent database. The block in the blockchain is connected in all way with the other. so, if someone hack the blockcain, the user still have other block that keep the security of the data. thus, the blockchain can offer a security in database to the user.

and then, we continue with the slides from last week, which is on the type of , scope factors, benefit and limitation of e-commerce. what i can learn from e-commerce is, e-commerce can help customer get what they wants everytime, and everywhere they are. In the class, Dr Fareed had give a good example of company that use e-commerce preferably, which is homeplus in Korea. At there, customer can shop by scanning the QR code from the picture of things at the subway station. the transaction will happen through online.

1. excell exercise
2. CIP project
3. LIVE MAGIC broadcast

Dr Fareed had explaines about SWOT analysis because we need to prepare thatb for our presentation next week. before this, i had done the SWOT analysis for myself, so it's kind of 'muhasabah diri dan perbaiki diri untuk menjadi lebih baik' tapi tu laa. macam ni jugak. takde apa2 perubahan pun.;D but, in order to make company look we are interested to them, we need to do the analysis.

next, CIP update. its just a week before the day of our, we need to wrap up and tell all of the problems to Dr Fareed before our presentation. my feeling? takut, nebes nak mateyyyyyy

Then, we did the Excel exercise. we do the exercise for product costing. we trying to play with creating formula in excel exercise and learn on how to put the price if we started on selling food product. i think this may be beneficial for me because my family had run a food business on kuih traditional Terengganu, Akok and it's varieties. so, maybe this exercise may help me to put an affordable price according to the ingredient used. so, singgah la ke kedai AKOK WARISAN NIAGA kalau datang ke Paka, Terengganu. i will give a superb service to you guys. hahah

lastly, we watch the LIVE MAGIC broadcast. they discuss about blockchain that replace real money with bitcoin. there were 3 panel and we had ask questions that related to bitcoin.

so, that's all for reflection on 8 November.  stay tunes :) annyeonggg

All about E-commerce

On that day, Dr Fareed had introduced some market place that can help us to do an online transaction. they are Eksprimo, e-bay and amazon. this market place can help us to shop without using our energy to go to the shop. Through this market place, we can shop online by clicking the button on the website. Thus, it can save our energy and time since it allow us to shop everytime, whenever we are. That type of website also be the the main cause why my money always gone, since i'm always checking out things at Lazada and Shopee. Sis tak kuat la tengok banyak barang sale kat situ.... sob sob...

we moved to another topic which is E-commerce and E-business. E-commerce is basically a subset of E-business. it tends to reflect process of buying and selling product/ services through online, for example Amazon. E-business include all of the business that conducted online. E-commerce has a degree of digitalization  which is pure E-commerce and partial E-commerce. pure E-commerce is where everything include the process in conducted throuugh online, where partial E-commerce is when some part of it is tangible. the degree of digitalization can be measure by 3 factor which are product/service sold, process and delivery agent.

at the end of the class, Dr Fareed has show us a video of a female hologram which is a famous hologram singer in Japan. Actually, i'm impressed with the all of the development in Japan. They are so fast in creating and using technology. But, sometimes it make me afraid with their technology because it seems like nonsense. the female hologram singer also for me is a nonsense idea. why people at there being so fanatic because of hologram? they are willing to pay and shout singer's name. don't they know that that the person is a hologram and not alive? don't they know man is the best event that god has created? why they need to be fanatic to a hologram? i'm really cannot understand about that. i'm sorry for being so emotional. haha.. that is only my opinion

at the evening lab session, we started with CIP progress from every group. as usual, every group have a positive progress and Dr Fareed had satisfied so far.

next, we had learn about SEO tool. This tool can help us to improve the website

so, i think that's all for this reflection. stay tunes ;)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mind your behaviour :)

We start our lecture with a question from Dr Fareed,  "what can you understand with "data" ?"
During that time, what i can imagine about data is just an information. But, because of the lecture, i can know that data can be related to many things including an information. Firstly, data can lead you to a profession. How? this can happen when you have an enough knowledge about information system, you can give a talk or make a proposal on how to manage data. when i told about this to my friend, they said that "nahhh, manage data is just a simple thing. it doesnt need for you to be a professional in data management". what i can said is " hey you!ko ingat senang ke nak manage data beribu ribu. alah setakat data kau yg ciput tu boleh la buat kalau dh macam berkuman kuman dah data, mana boleh nak handle kalau tak penuh ilmu di dada".. cewahh cenggitu haaa..tapi hanya mmpu balas dalam hati jela ye. okayyy! back to our topic. secondly, as what has been voiced by Akid Syahmi, data can be related to capacity. for example 4Gb, 5Gb. thirdly, as everyone know, data can be an information. it can be used to analysed pattern or trend. for example, in order for a business to make a sale projetion, they should know the pattern of sale on certain special day. through the data, the manager can know, if it was a normal day,the sale might be lower and make the production of the product  may be normal. but, if it was a special day such as Public holiday, of course there will be many people will come to the shop since they are not working. so the prpjection of sale will be increase. thus, the product production also will be increase from normal. lastly, data can be related to big data. this is new thing to me, "Big Data". Big Data a large data sets that can be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations especially relating to human behaviour and interactions.

During lab session, we started with updating CIP progress to Dr Fareed. every group have a positive progress regarding their project. some tips from Dr Fareed are, we need to give a good approach to company that still blur with our project, do not make an appointment during customer jour which is at night and always ask for owner's consent to use their post.

Next, i had created my Zoom account. Zoom application is like Skype, where we can video call to everyone whenever, wherever we go. It can cut cost and energy since people can easily had meeting or conversation through video call. so, there will be no excuses to skip your meeting ya ;) However, sometimes Skype have it's own weakness, where it can be unstable.

Then, i had learnt about Nettiquette. This is my first time i had learnt "nettiquette". Nettiquette is actually the rules of behaviour on the internet. One simple example of improper Nettiquette is when someone send the email without writing the on the subject. if you do this when sending an email, it makes you look unprofessional in doing work. Fortunately, i'm always put the subject everytime i send an email, even to my friend. :D Hahaha