Thursday, November 9, 2017

All about E-commerce

On that day, Dr Fareed had introduced some market place that can help us to do an online transaction. they are Eksprimo, e-bay and amazon. this market place can help us to shop without using our energy to go to the shop. Through this market place, we can shop online by clicking the button on the website. Thus, it can save our energy and time since it allow us to shop everytime, whenever we are. That type of website also be the the main cause why my money always gone, since i'm always checking out things at Lazada and Shopee. Sis tak kuat la tengok banyak barang sale kat situ.... sob sob...

we moved to another topic which is E-commerce and E-business. E-commerce is basically a subset of E-business. it tends to reflect process of buying and selling product/ services through online, for example Amazon. E-business include all of the business that conducted online. E-commerce has a degree of digitalization  which is pure E-commerce and partial E-commerce. pure E-commerce is where everything include the process in conducted throuugh online, where partial E-commerce is when some part of it is tangible. the degree of digitalization can be measure by 3 factor which are product/service sold, process and delivery agent.

at the end of the class, Dr Fareed has show us a video of a female hologram which is a famous hologram singer in Japan. Actually, i'm impressed with the all of the development in Japan. They are so fast in creating and using technology. But, sometimes it make me afraid with their technology because it seems like nonsense. the female hologram singer also for me is a nonsense idea. why people at there being so fanatic because of hologram? they are willing to pay and shout singer's name. don't they know that that the person is a hologram and not alive? don't they know man is the best event that god has created? why they need to be fanatic to a hologram? i'm really cannot understand about that. i'm sorry for being so emotional. haha.. that is only my opinion

at the evening lab session, we started with CIP progress from every group. as usual, every group have a positive progress and Dr Fareed had satisfied so far.

next, we had learn about SEO tool. This tool can help us to improve the website

so, i think that's all for this reflection. stay tunes ;)

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